Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doing our part to raise money for local schools

Each year my wife Mieko and I donate several certificates for family portraiture to help raise raise money for education in our community. The King Family purchased a certificate at a Montessori fund raising event and just recently we got together.

The Kings own a motorcycle and scooter dealership and wanted to incorporate some of their toys into their portrait. That being said Mieko scouted a great location and made a date to create some portraits.

Meiko and I worked together on the day of the session. As parents with two young children we rarely work together anymore. Anyway, I took care of the lighting while Mieko created the portraits. I have to say it was awesome watching my wife interact with the King family. During the set up Mr. King took this image of us. Nice shot!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2012 live-aboard adventure dedicated to whales

I am really excited to announce three exciting live-aboard trips dedicated to observing, swimming with, and photographing Southern Hemisphere Humpback Whales. I have been asked to be the host photographer. What makes these trips special is that the boat will take only 6 guests and go to locations that are known to be productive in terms of wild life sightings but are too far out of range for most of the day boat operators.

The boat has three guest cabins. One has bunk beds, and the other two have double beds. A divider can be used should it be necessary. Each cabin has a hot water shower and toilet.

Each adventure is for 10 days. The cost is $6325 AUD

September 12-21, 2012

The adventure will start in Ha'apai, the middle island group of Tonga, and end in Vavau' the Northern island group. The plan is to spend five days sailing among the myriad of islands in the Kotu islands of Ha'apai. This area is known for having an abundance of whales and few if any other boats. From there we will head north to the Seamounts that are in the Vavau group but too far south to be visited by land based operations in Vavau. This area is productive having had consistent Humpback and dolphin encounters over the last several years. Next, we will head north to Toku and Fonualei islands located 40-50 nautical miles north of Vavau'. These islands are isolated and known to have Humpback Whales as well as False Killer Whales, & Oceanic White Tips. We will stay in this area for two nights before heading to Vavau where guests will depart. Toku island is too far North for most of the boats from Vavau, and we should have the area pretty much to ourselves. Blue Planet filmed all their whale footage in these waters.

Sept 22- Oct 1

Guests will board at 9:00 Am and we will set sail for Toku and Fonualei Island 40-50 nautical miles north of Vavau'. These islands are known to have Humpback Whales as well as False Killer Whales, & Oceanic White Tips. Blue Planet filmed all their whale footage in these waters.We will stay in this area for a 4-5 days before setting sail for Late island about 45 miles to the south. This island is too far for the day boats from Vavau and is known to have frequent sightings of whale sharks and Mola Mola (sun fish). We should have the area pretty much to ourselves. We will spend two nights here then sail to the southern seamounts about 40 miles south by south east. These seamounts are just a bit too far for all but a few of the day boats from Vavau' and are known to be popular spots for mother and baby whales and dolphins. We will spend 2-3 nights in this area and the last night will be at anchor near the main harbor in Vavau making it easy for guests to disembark the next morning.

Oct 2 -12, 2012. Guests will board in vavau' around 9 AM and our first destination will be Toku & Fonualei islands located 40-50 nautical miles north of Vavau'. These islands are known to have Humpback Whales as well as False Killer Whales, & Oceanic White Tips. The Blue plant crew filmed the Humpback sequences here. We will spend 2-3 nights here. Our next destination is a about 70 miles south and consists of a series of seamounts just a bit too far south for all but a few of the day boats from Vavau'. These waters are known to be popular spots for mother and baby whales and dolphins. We will stay in this area for 2 days then continue south to the Kotu islands in Ha'apai. The plan is to spend five days sailing among the myriad of islands. Most of which are uninhabited. This area is known for having an abundance of whales and few if any other boats. Guests will depart in Ha'apai, the morning of October 12th.

Contact us as soon as possible to reserve your space. For information email dhimages@maui.net

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mating Turtles

I went diving yesterday in Maui and during our surface interval I saw in the distance something bobbing up and down. I feared for the worst thinking it was a dead tourist but as we approached we saw it was not a body, but two turtle mating. So I did what any photographer would do and and got in the water. I floated on the surface and little by little the current brought them close by. I created several portraits and left them alone. While the encounter lasted only a few moments, I will never forget it.